

Experiences of Salento

Apulian cooking class

Apulian cooking class

Food and wine treasures

Prepare and taste traditional Apulian recipes combined by an excellent wine on a farm in Salento
Rhythms and Rites: The Feast of Saint Peter and Paul and Tarantism in Puglia

Rhythms and Rites: The Feast of Saint Peter and Paul and Tarantism in Puglia

Culture & Traditions

Taking part in the tour will allow you to live a unique experience in the heart of Apulian traditions, where tarantism, an ancient and fascinating cultural phenomenon, merges with the spirituality of the Feast of Saint Peter and Paul. This cultural journey offers not only the discovery of historical and prehistoric sites but also an authentic immersion in the dances and music that define the Salento identity. It is the perfect opportunity for those looking to connect deeply with the roots and cultural expressions of Southern Italy.
Ceramic tour and Apulia Canyon

Ceramic tour and Apulia Canyon

Culture & Traditions

You will follow an itinerary unique between history and taste of a wonderful territory. Ceramics, rock churches, an underground city and you will taste typical products.
The frescoes of the Basilica of Santa Caterina and Wine Tasting

The frescoes of the Basilica of Santa Caterina and Wine Tasting

Culture & Traditions

GALATINA : The frescoes of the Basilica of Santa Caterina and Wine Tasting